Paris, la ville

Paris, la ville

Earlier today, I shared some of my Paris photos that were more reminiscent of cartes postales (postcards).

With this post, I’ll share some photos that are less stereotypically Paris (at least in the Tourist Imaginary), but are still very much Paris (and still a little stereotypical). You might not find these on postcards in the tourist shop stalls, but you’ll encounter what’s captured – politics (+posters), advertisements, street art, random but charming buildings/passageways/streets, funny (and relatable) characters, beautiful storefronts (of past and present) – throughout the city.

In these sets of photos, you’ll find the things that tend to catch my eye – humor, wa/onder, the everyday. Also random things I like, like nice lamps, walkways, books, old signs, art, etc.

Hope you’ll enjoy!

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