Tag: japanese food

Japanese Croquettes/コロッケ:You Can’t Say No to Fried Potato Patties

Japanese Croquettes/コロッケ:You Can’t Say No to Fried Potato Patties

Yesterday, le bf and I made korokke (croquettes)! I made the potato filling the night before, with a “regular” version (just potatoes, beef, onions) and a “curry” version with curry powder added to the “regular” mixture. Recipe (makes about 25 korokke): 4 Russet Potatoes 1.5…

A Week in Japan

A Week in Japan

It’s already been a week since my arrival! I’ve spent time with family and friends, visited several cities and spent some time on trains. Mostly, though, my dad and I’ve been eating a ton of different foods 🙂 [The featured image is a mini Uji…